I am not a common-stuff (aka Kenya Uniform) person ain’t tryna justify myself or anything but I really do not like having stuff that fananas like nanis. It really pisses me off!!! End of story.
Ok ok. I know ending there won’t make sense because I have to tell you why. I love myself so much I will not struggle to fit in when I really was born to stand out. I am soon going for my internship and in case there is going to be an interview, I don’t want to sound like I’m from Mars or Venus. So I am making a point to read newspapers and watch news at least daily. Yes, I have to make a trip to the school library daily. Funny enough it’s actually a good sport, the librarian knows me as the last to leave. I am equally surprised.
My story is, I saw this chick with a phone like mine!!! I know I’m not that special or own anything that looks customized or anything. But my heart sank! I really hope that the ‘torch’ I have won’t be as common as an Ideot coz I honestly do not know what I will do. Saving that for later, I also noticed I don’t like being noticed for all the wrong reasons or for a season. ;) That’s just me. Then, i have to keep myself from the tongue-lashers and the ‘Google-search’ of this institution. Trust me when they start researching about you sweetheart they will know how your brain works.
Result? Avoid groups! I do not say thou shall not have friends but careful what you feed or leash to your ‘besties’. I might be called selfish or an antisocial. That’s better than being a crowd pleaser, I got a life too. Well wishes to my opposition though, thanks for noticing that I am better than twenty of you put together and loving me for my ambition. {*giggles* no diss.}
Other than that, I noticed my fame-phobic habits go deep down to my wardrobe. I am one person who would rather go to an open market and go the whole hog for the just in fashion rather than catwalk into an exhibition and buy things our housie will own three months from now... feel me? In short, spare yourself the seasonal fame and stand out. It feels good. Once you go classy you never go back.