Monday, 23 January 2012

Love; the rolls way.

A Rolls Royce is a wonderful piece of art worth all the time and work put in to bring it to life. For more than a century, Rolls has been the definition of luxury, elegance, class, and power. In the same way, a couple following the basic principles of the Rolls will never go wrong (unless the bad comes to worse).
The first lesson is that anything long lasting takes time to put together. An average Ford spends approximately 15 hours on the assembly line yet a single Rolls Royce’s basic body frame only can take six months to build. Modern attitudes have considerably altered people’s perceptions of relationships so that they can go from total strangers to come-we-stay in a week. Rushing into relationships is a recipe for grief and short lived unions. Hold your horses and take your time to sew the foundation of your relationship together.
The engine is designed by BMW. In relationships the second most important thing is to collaborate. It won’t do for one partner to constantly seek their way and want to call the shots all the time.  People often feel involved when they know their voices can be heard. Instead of your relationships being as short lived as a three year Ford; make it last like the rolls that make the long time to build it count.
Royce’s’ are hand built; skilled engineers, fine artists and technicians take the time to go through every detail in the car. Young relationships need quality time to develop. In as much as phones and social sites facilitate the connection, nothing beats the effectiveness of just being together. This means being together in quiet settings like in a park and not nightclubs.
A Rolls Royce is a very expensive car (35million before taxes). For that kind of money, it is treated with profound care by its owners throughout its life. I’m not saying only affluent relationships work. I mean, the much you invest in each other (time, trust, commitment) will make you want to work things out and not toss all that in the bin.
Lastly, if one is choosy, they may spend a long time alone - it’s not a bad thing if that’s what you want-. On the other hand, it pays to be selective and to choose wisely. Rolls Royce knows it customers and its customers know Rolls Royce. Not everybody is compatible and love may not conquer all sometimes. Why not apply these few elegant principles to our relationships this time and see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. lovely people, leave a comment and let me know what your say. also spread the word. XX
