Wednesday, 13 November 2013


 Day to Play

There is much more to wearing clothes than just covering up, trust me, ask any woman who knows her stuff well and possibly a shopaholic. Isn't that the excuse we all give when buying things we think we need but we just want the satisfaction of owning it?
At times you have to attend a function immediately after work and you don’t have the time to change into something less serious, or if you are like me, you’d rather die than carry clothes to change into; here is a trick you can work with.

First and foremost, when planning to attend to two things in a day you have to be careful when choosing your days outfit. For instance you cannot wear a business suit to a casual date and expect anyone to let loose around you. Try something like a knee-length shift dress with less than three colors (preferably one color) as it will be easy to fall into place with both activities.
For work, you can always throw on a nicely cut jacket of even tone that goes well with the dress, a loosely tied slim belt, studs and a simple necklace. If you do make up, ensure that you do some light make up fit for the day and not something that screams "I have a date tonight". You need shoes that can work for both day and night so you don’t have to carry another pair in your bag. Try flat shoes if your job involves a lot of running around and comfortable pair of heels will do if you don’t.

The transforming part is the interesting one.  Lose the studs and the inconspicuous necklace. You can do different looks depending on what you fancy and the occasion. Add a chunky colourful neck-piece and a matching bangle for a sassy-gone-rocker look. Coloured hoops can work or draping earrings if you may. Complete your look with a statement cocktail ring. If you are in love with ethnic pieces like I am, you can do draping metallic earrings and Aztec print metallic bangle. To spice up the look you can do an ethnic knuckle ring and another on the other hand.  If it feels like too much, feel free to lose one and avoid looking ratchet altogether. For the elegant but laid-back-lady add a pair of loops, a draping necklace and a cocktail ring to avoid looking like plain-Jane when you've given it your all.

                                         Strip your face of the stale make-up to apply a fresh look as desired. When it comes to your hair lose the clip and flip it. If it’s warm enough and you can handle the temperatures you can lose the coat as well too.  Knowing your style involves knowing what blends your skin colour and what goes well with most outfits.
Styling up an outfit or defining your style as a woman shouldn't be rocket science but getting the right accessory that goes with hair colour, nail polish and the detail on your jeans is a little bit close to launching a missile and people will judge you by that.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Losing a loved one in any way is not an easy thing. It gets tougher when that person is the pillar of your life. A friend of mine recently lost her dad and I could not even begin to think what it feels like to be in her shoes. It is almost impossible thinking that one day you will fall and no longer have anyone to genuinely fall back to.

Most of us have been blessed to have our parent’s right there with us all the way; seeing us through all the important milestones. But there is someone out there who is so bitter about never knowing the parent because of one reason or the other.
When I sit and reflect on how much of a support system my father has been, I do not think he deserves only one fathers’ day in the world. To me, every day, every minute, I celebrate this man that taught me of hope and resilience and being strong and helped me understand that there’s more to life than just expectations. The true expression of love and the best gift that God gave me for free.
I love you dad, and always will, no matter what ill always be your little girl. <3

For some of us it might not be our fathers but there has to be that person you never want to lose. Ever! Celebrate them nevertheless because it will be too late when either of you is put to rest.