Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2013 Music Review.

50th post finally. Yeah, I’m excited but then again we have 365 days a year and I have only done 20 posts. I did not do so well but at least I remember my login info, so I bet you know what I’m going to say next. Next year I will try post at least weekly. Bible.
I love music. Way too much, it’s something between an obsession and an addiction. I do not mind. I’m in love with house a little more than rock because…………. I can’t explain.
1.       Katy Perry- Roar who doesn’t like a feel good song? For real it might sound like I’m not thrilled but it just does it for me. As women, when we are going through something the lyrics speaks to us. A couple of close friends of mine have gone through hell and high water and I know this song has spoken to them in ways I’d want it to speak to me if I was in their shoes.

2.       Ellie Goulding - Burn makes me choke on tears for no good reason. Anywhere, anytime whether I’m out there having fun or just minding my own business. Especially the hook where she goes " when the lights turned down/ they dont know what they heard/ strike a match /play it loud/ giving love to the world" 
 I do not know if it’s the pitch or maybe I heard it first when I was sad I have no idea. I am certain it’s not about to change either.

3.       Victoria Kimani – M’toto It’s my ringtone now. I love the fact that she says M’toto in a funny way. It’s just as badass as I want to sound and all things yeah I can handle this typa vibe going on. The beat is unpredictable, danceable and sing along and feel good and laidback at the same time. You can tell she isn’t trying too hard.

4.       Jaguar  - Kipepeo  like sugar to my ears this one came through; for me. With the fact that the guy wants to treat the girl right and be together forever. Now c’mon girls and the romantics tell me you don’t like that part of fantasy.

5.       Avicii – I could be the one The beat. The rendition. The mastering. And the Video. Forever in love with Avicii.
6.       Avril – Here’s to never growing up Honestly, I don’t care how old I am, when I go out partying I want to party so hard no one believes my age. Do not mistake that with immaturity. I like to have fun.
7.       Basto – Again and Again Kill me. I love #EDM you have no idea. If you want me to buy your product use this song as the bed. That’s just how much I love that song.
The Bad and The ugly
There could be a couple of songs I dislike and I want to throw up whenever they come up but I do not know who sang them so I will go with the one everyone is fussing about. So not worth it.
1.       Lorde –Royal   My goodness that song gives me ulcers. I dislike her attitude too but I know nobody cares. I like Tennis court though.  Blah. She should watch what she says about other artistes though.

Happy 2014 y’all. Dream big and make it happen. 

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

It is so easy to get caught up in the mundane daily activities of life and even easier to get caught up in hard times of life. I used to not know how to combat these feelings and it was only when I really started to study and read The Word that I realized, when I am feeling down I need to remind myself and God of who exactly I am in Christ. The Bible is my manual to life, every situation that could possibly be thrown my way is remedied somewhere, some way, in The Bible. These are (just some of the many) promises that our Heavenly Father has made to us:

1- I am strengthened with His strength, not my own Colossians 1:11

2- I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus 2 Corinthians 5:21

3- I am forgiven of all my sins and redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:7

4- I am more than a conqueror through God who loves me Romans 8:37

5- I have no lack, all of my needs are met because God supplies them all Philippians 4:19

6- I am free from the law of sin and death Romans 8:2

7- I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath Deuteronomy 28:13

One thing I know about God is that His word is good as gold and anything that He has said and promised, I can count on. When God tells me that I can do ALL things through Him (Phil 4:13), I believe it and receive it because I know that I am reading truth. His word is truth.
When I read these aloud it reminds me that if Christ is for me, who can be against me? His love is unfailing and unending and I am faultless before him. No matter what fiery darts and thwarted my way throughout the day I can find my strength in The Lord because He is over and above anything that I could ever ask for. Through all the mistakes I have ever made in this life, God has seen me through it all and loved me all the same. The very start of this walk with God found me reminding myself of these promises and saying them aloud until I actually started to believe them and after I started believing in them, I started to receive them in the natural. Standing on the belief that I am what HE says I am has transformed my mind and my life.

Adapted from http://theprayingwoman.com/2013/12/28/i-am-what-he-says-i-am/#sthash.zPnCiftu.dpuf

25 New Year’s Resolutions Every Person Should Actually Make For 2014

I have promised myself before I will not have to share other peoples posts here. I break that promise today, these resolutions are bluntly honest and so like people my age who happen to be my target audience, so; no loss.
At least the disclaimer is out there so no one is going to jail (yet) at least. What? Don't judge me. Things happen. People get thrown in jail all the time. or it cell? Most things are so like me and some are things I know my friends should really try. I am certain you will find at least 10 things you should try. Whatever, here goes a post from Elite Daily by Mackenzie Newcomb.

New Year’s Eve is often seen as a time of rebirth, the chance to start anew. We all come up with the regular resolutions for the upcoming year (losing weight, seeing family more often and/or falling in love ), but often our ideas of what should change are too broad. This New Year’s Eve, we should all vow to take a closer look into our lives and make decisions about ourselves then. These are the 25 New Year’s resolutions every person should make:

1.Stop posting negative sh*t about celebrities on social media. Miley Cyrus does not care what you think about her haircut, Justin Bieber does not care what you think of his tattoos and Gwyneth Paltrow couldn’t care less regarding what you think about her diet.

2. Stop resenting yourself for drunk texting your ex.  Sure, its a little embarrassing, but at least you’re addressing your feelings. Not that you should aim to drink an entire bottle of rum then see what happens, but… roll with the punches.

3. Leave the country. If you don’t have money, look into doing charity work abroad. Some programs will sponsor you.

4. If you hate your job, quit your job. Repeat after me: THE MONEY IS NOT WORTH IT. Food and shelter are clutch though, so make sure you have another job lined up.

5. Stop beating yourself up for skipping the gym on days you truly didn’t have time. But also, stop skipping the gym on days you had plenty of time to go.

6. Make up — not to be confused with make out — with an ex.

7. Rid yourself of enemies. Apologize for what you did wrong and forgive those who have wronged you.

8. Rid yourself of “frenemies.” Don’t spend 2014 surrounded by people you secretly despise.

9. If you think somebody is cute, say “hi” and introduce yourself. Every relationship you have ever had started with a greeting.

10. Leave your phone number for someone. Worst-case scenario: you won’t get a call and maybe you’ll feel a tiny bit embarrassed. Regardless of the outcome, you put yourself out there and probably made the other person’s day.

11. Stop caring about how many people “like” your Instagram photos. If you like the photo enough to post it, what else matters? Social media anxiety is a waste of time.

12. Cross something off your bucket list. Sky dive, bungee jump, scuba dive, etc. Don’t make excuses as to why you can’t accomplish something, and check out

13. Stop hating yourself for eating dessert. A piece of birthday cake is a right, not a privilege.

14. Keep a journal. It doesn’t have to be something you use daily, but documenting your experiences is incredibly important. You’ll appreciate it later.

15. Strengthen relationships with family members. Blood is thicker than water.

16. Help strangers. “Pay it forward,” do good things for the world — and don’t post a Facebook status about it.

17. Conquer a fear. Personally, I fear Bikram yoga.

18. Turn off your smartphone at dinner.

19. Don’t check your Twitter feed when you’re with friends.

20. Try a fashion trend you never thought you could pull off. And, do it with confidence. Floppy hats, snap backs, Harem pants; you can do it!

21. Double-text without fear. THOU SHALL NOT BE IGNORED!

22. Shop locally, eat locally and recognize where your money is going. Consumers control the economy, so visit the mom-and-pop coffee shop down the street instead of KFC. 

23. Cry. When you’re happy and when you’re sad; embrace your emotions as they come.

24. Stop being so shallow. Next time you find yourself judging someone based on his or her appearance, imagine the person standing in front of you saying, “I’m beautiful.” You’ll start to believe it.

25. If you want someone to commit to you, vocalize it. Don’t settle for being someone’s “f*ck buddy” if that isn’t what you want. “Together” is the waiting period between “talking” and “dating”; purgatory shouldn’t last forever.

Need I say more. This is all you need. Being realistic is key as you grow up ( or grow older) whichever route you decide to take.

Have a happy new year y'all and to my followers, be blessed and may all your efforts be successful. Thank you for your undying and continued support.
