The web and blogosphere has created a world where everyone is given a chance to share their views and it is also a platform for individuals to hone their skills including others that are not so useful. We have sites upon sites that have what seems to be advise and some is just plain brainwashing (according to me) and shrinking peoples esteems.
There are sites that teach you how to be a better person, how to succeed, how to avoid drama (somebody find Solange), how not to suck at EFGHIJ, how who’s and who’s behave in a certain way to stay at the top, how to fake it, when to wake up, how to become important, 50 things to do before you sleep, 17 things that distinguish you from a moron, 34 reasons you are not successful yet 5 reasons you are still single, how to I-do-not-know-what-I'm-trying-to-cluster-here, and so much more. You get my drift though.

Here's an example; How to keep a man/woman. Read that again. Is a significant other an antique? I find that shallow (for lack of a better word) on so many levels and I'm not even judging just think about it. Is it keeping him in a bottle like a genie or what exactly does that mean? Let me get you my two cents, if someone is willing to be with you, they can stay and if they want to leave let them do so. It is a free country after all. A relationship is not a miracle, it needs work just like everything. A life with goals is a task altogether, and if you have motive you will need to accomplish, not kill yourself trying to change, it is never that serious.That is why people change but really it is because they have stopped working to impress the other like it happened in the dating phase- which is a story for another day.
I can tell you for free that anyone who wants to be with an emotionally stable person; do not give them mixed signals or feelings. Get it together and decide. Business of being there one day and the other you have vanished then show up like you never left makes me want to lose my mind. Call me emotional but that’s just how I think it should be. Be brave enough to keep it going or tell it in black and white that it just won’t work.
If you love someone, be with them, if you do not want to be with someone- end it gracefully, if you want something, ask for it. You do not need nobody to tell you how to keep what in check. It’s never that serious; Life is too short to complicate things already.