Saturday, 30 May 2015


There are moments I am proud to be associated with my country and there are moments I wish I can change nationalities or be from nobody's country. You know how there is a no-man's land. There should be something like that for people as well. But I think about people in camps and those without freedom of movement et al and I feel good to belong.

This month will go down in history as one of the times Karma has hit us hard. The floods. I do not trust the meteorologists so I am not certain we know how long the rains are here for but whether rain or shine, we will keep living. There are days it rains so heavily I feel bad for all that have to leave the house to go to work but for those of us who work from home (bliss) and work in really warm clothing and have tea whenever we want to and not having to deal with so many  other things. Back to Karma and the rains.

We truly are one. Looking at all those people who turned out for Mater Heart Run It makes me proud to be Kenyan. They could have chosen to stay at home and watch the whole thing on telly but they decided to show up on the grounds very early to run (walk) the whole mile for a good cause.  I am so proud of everyone who took part in the run, including those who spectated. There are so many children who are going to get the help they earnestly needed to make their life normal. I salute you.

In all the good things you people did you forgot to "Keep Your Country Clean".  The used plastic water bottles dropped on the sidewalks and the trenches looked like confetti from afar. Then you can imagine how much damage we are doing to our city. We are the same people who got home at 5 a.m. the other day due to flooded roads. Its not that the skies have never opened up like that before but due to build up of litter and dirt in the trenches.

It is not rocket science. We can contribute in keeping our country clean by being responsible. If we do not litter and there is a regular clean up I am certain these problems are things that can be contained and handled swiftly. Someone will litter and then say "hii Nairobi ni chafu?" (ni kama ilijichafua) It's always about you and me. If you and I choose not to litter then we can begin to experience the change we want to see, practically.

Nature doesn't need human beings because it was here before all of us and whether we treat it right or not, it will go on. If we litter and treat it with cruelty, it will definitely get back to us. Eyesore's, floods, filth, global warming; if we are good to it,we will reap serene and a clean environment. The choice is ours.

I am not sure if the NYS did their work conclusively because they just got the dirt from the ditches and that was it. It is waiting for the rains to come and sweep it back. Aki Kidero!! If only he stopped being an ignorant and arrogant person he could start making the right moves. Probably take notes from Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua. Only then shall we have something close to a functional county and a practical government.

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